Perhaps the most important benefit to membership in ABCH is the validation that membership in a premier Hypnotherapy Board provides, but additionally, each member, other than the Associate Member, receives a Professional Certificate to display, a copy of the ABCH logo to use on his/her business cards, as well as the validation that membership in a professional Hypnotherapy membership organization imparts to the members.
Trainer Certification Program
ABCH reviews individual training programs and offers a CHI designation (CERTIFIED HYPNOTHERAPY INSTRUCTOR) for the individual who is teaching his own program, as long as that program meets the minimum training requirement for an ABCH Hypnotherapy Certification. The TCP option is available to any member who has been an ABCH member for at least 2 years. The cost for review of your program, Certification of the training program, and Certification of the individual instructor is a one-time fee of $300. The ABCH-Certified trainer has the opportunity to offer Certification through ABCH to his students for a cost to the instructor of $35. for the first year’s membership.
NO CEU’S Required to Maintain Membership
For many prospective members, ABCH’s policy to continue to offer ongoing annual membership without the member needing to complete ceu’s to remain active. Most of the other Major boards require the annual completion of additional training or attendance at conferences to remain an active member of the organization. ABCH does not require ceu’s.